The information contained in this resource is intended to provide accurate information on federal income taxes for international students at Geneva College. It is provided with the understanding that Geneva College and its faculty and staff are not engaged in rendering legal services, and with the understanding that the content does not constitute legal advice. Geneva College disclaims any and all liability resulting from reliance upon this general information. Where legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent attorney should be sought.
The US government requires F-1 students to complete a Form 8843 regardless of whether they worked. You can find the Form 8843 here:
You may receive one or more of the following tax forms. If you receive one of the forms listed below, you MUST file taxes.
Note: You will receive these documents from Geneva College’s Human Resources office. Please be sure to check your mailbox and email for any communication from the HR office about these documents.
You will receive a W-2 if you’ve worked in the US. It is a summary of your earnings and what percentage of your earnings has been taxed during the year.
A 1098-T is a summary of your tuition and education costs. International students do not have to file a 1098-T form, but they may receive one.
A 1042-S form will list any income that is subject to withholding. You may or may not receive a 1042-S form.
Crossroads recommends that F-1 students file taxes with Sprintax. Sprintax works specifically with nonresidents who need to file taxes. Sprintax - US Income Tax Software for Nonresident Aliens
Sprintax provides a 24/7 chat box where you can ask questions that you have about filing taxes. You will need to file both Federal and State taxes and Sprintax will help you file both.
Sprintax Open Tax Webinars for Filing Season 2024
For more resources on filing taxes, please visit the Crossroads office or email Gavin Landis at